Google Scholar: 984 Citations; h-index: 12; i10-index: 12.
Dai, S., Kuosmanen, T. & Zhou, X. 2025. Can Omitted Carbon Abatement Explain Productivity Stagnation? Review of Income and Wealth, Forthcoming.
Dai, S., Kuosmanen, N., Kuosmanen, T. & Liesiö, J. 2025. Optimal resource allocation: Convex quantile regression approach. European Journal of Operational Research, Forthcoming.
Dai, S., Fang, Y.H., Lee, C.Y. & Kuosmanen, T. 2024. pyStoNED: A Python package for convex regression and frontier estimation. Journal of Statistical Software. 111, 1-43.
Kuosmanen, T. & Dai, S.* 2024. Modeling economies of scope in joint production: Convex regression of input distance function. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 1–18.
Yi, J., Dai, S., Cheng, J., & Dai, Y. 2024. Heterogeneous effect of renewable energy policies on resource misallocation: Evidence from Chinese zombie firms. The Energy Journal, 45, 33–63.
Yi, J., Dai, S., Li L., & Cheng, J. 2024. How does digital economy development affect renewable energy innovation? Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 192, 114221.
Liao, Z., Dai, S.*, & Kuosmanen T. 2024. Convex Support Vector Regression. European Journal of Operational Research, 313, 858-870.
Yi, J., Dai, S., Cheng, J., & Liu, K. 2023. How urban sprawl affects local and adjacent ecosystem services? Evidence from a spatial analysis of China. Regional Environmental Change, 23, 139.
Dai, S., Kuosmanen, T., & Zhou, X. 2023. Non-crossing convex quantile regression. Economics Letters, 233, 111396.
Dai, S., Kuosmanen, T. & Zhou, X. 2023. Generalized quantile and expectile properties for shape constrained nonparametric estimation. European Journal of Operational Research, 310, 914-927.
Kuosmanen, T., Tan, Y. & Dai, S. 2023. Performance analysis of English hospitals during the first and second waves of the coronavirus pandemic. Health Care Management Science, 26, 447–460.
Dai, S. 2023. Variable selection in convex quantile regression: L1-norm or L0-norm regularization? European Journal of Operational Research, 305, 338-355.
Yi, J., Dai, S., Cheng, J., Wu, Q. & Liu, K. 2021. Production quota policy in China: Implications for sustainable supply capacity of critical minerals. Resources Policy, 72, 102046.
Dai, S., Zhou, X. & Kuosmanen, T. 2020. Forward-looking assessment of the GHG abatement cost: Application to China. Energy Economics, 88, 104758.
Kuosmanen, T., Zhou, X. & Dai, S. 2020. How much climate policy has cost for OECD countries? World Development, 125, 104681.
Cheng, J., Yi, J., Dai, S. & Xiong, Y. 2019. Can low-carbon city construction facilitate green growth? Evidence from China’s pilot low-carbon city initiative. Journal of Cleaner Production, 231, 1158-1170. [ESI top 1%; Highly cited paper]
Dai, Q., Ye, X., Wei, Y.D., Ning, Y. & Dai, S. 2018. Geography, ethnicity and regional inequality in Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, China. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 11, 557-580.
Chen, J., Cheng, J. & Dai, S. 2017. Regional eco-innovation in China: An analysis of eco-innovation levels and influencing factors. Journal of Cleaner Production, 153, 1-14.
Cheng, J., Dai, S.* & Ye, X. 2016. Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of industrial pollution in China. China Economic Review, 40, 179-191.
Dai, S., Kuosmanen, T., & Liao, Z. 2024. Economic growth of cities: Does resource allocation matter? arXiv:2410.04918.
Liao, Z., Dai, S.*, Lim, E. & Kuosmanen, T. 2024. Overfitting reduction in convex regression. arXiv:2404.09528.
Technical reports
Kuosmanen, T., Kauria, E., Kantola, S., Dai, S., Virtanen, T., & Kauppi, H. 2024. Liikennejärjestelmän saavutettavuusvaikutukset työmarkkinoilla : Rekisteriaineistojen hyödyntäminen vaikutusarvioinnissa. Prime Minister’s Office of Finland.
Kuosmanen, T., Kuosmanen, N., & Dai, S. 2022. Kohtuullinen muuttuva kustannus sähkön jakeluverkkoyhtiöiden valvontamallissa: Ehdotus tehostamiskannustimen kehittämiseksi 6. ja 7. valvontajaksoilla vuosina 2024-2031. Energiavirasto, Finland.
Dai, S., Kuosmanen, N., Kuusi, T., Kuosmanen, T. (Editor), Liesiö, J., & Maczulskij, T. 2022. Misallocation of labor and capital in Finland’s business sector. Prime Minister’s Office of Finland.
- Dai, S. 2022. Essays on Convex Regression and Frontier Estimation. Aalto University publication series DOCTORAL THESES, 111/2022.